NMT - Ghana Research Symposium

In collaboration with New Mexico Instutue of Technology USA, KNUST, UMAT and UENR. The College of Engineering will organize the ESTE Research Symposium from Monday 22 July - Friday 26 July 2024 

Symposium Details

Broad Theme: Engineering, Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship (ESTE 2024)

Thematic Areas: 

1. Sustainable energy, oil and gas
2. Environment, water and sanitation
3. Materials, Design, and Manufacturing
4. Structural and Geotechnical Resources
5. Digitalization (AI, ML, etc.)
6. Other


Call for Topics, Abstracts of Presentation and Posters

Submission link

Use this form to sumbit your info:    

NMT Program Schedule

  • Friday, July 19: NMT team departs US
  • Saturday, July 20: NMT team arrives in Accra, Ghana
  • Sunday, July 21: Welcome Reception
  • Monday, July 22: Symposium Day 1 @ KNUST, Kumasi Ghana
  • Tuesday, July 23: Symposium Day 2 @ KNUST, Kumasi Ghana
  • Wednesday, July 24 - Thursday, July 25: Visit to UENR, Sunyani, Ghana
  • Thursday, July 25 - Saturday, July 27: Visit to UMAT, Tarkwa

NMT Academic Department Representation

  • Petroleum Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Material Engineering
  • Hydrology
  • Earth and Environmental Science
  • Mineral and Geotech
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mineral and Geotechnical Eng



Pro. George Yaw Obeng

Department of Mechanical Engineering 

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, Kumasi, Ghana.

Cell: +233(0)20-105-7218

Tel (H): +233-3220 62033

Tel (O) : +233-3220-496272

Email: gyobeng.coe@knust.edu.gh 



Dr. Yaw A. Boakye-Ansah

Lecturer | Head of Department

Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering | School of Energy

University of Energy and Natural Resources, Sunyani 

Email: yaw.boakye-ansah@uenr.edu.gh | yaw.akyampon@gmail.com



Cynthia Borkai Boye (PhD)

Associate Professor of Geomatic Engineering

Dean, Office of International Programmes

University of Mines and Technology (UMaT)

Tarkwa, Ghana

Cell: +233(0)244-44-44179

 Email: cboye@umat.edu.gh


William Ampomah (PhD)

 Research Engineer/Section Head

REACT, Petroleum Recovery Research Center

New Mexico Tech

Office Phone: +1(575)8355018

Email: william.ampomah@nmt.edu 

Petroleum Recovery Research Center 

PRRC 2023 · A Division of New Mexico Tech · NMT